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The List

Back-to-back!? I’d say we have cause for celebration. We are proud to see our name on Inc. 5000’s list of Fastest Growing Private Companies for the second consecutive year! Not only did we earn our spot on the list again, but we jumped up more than 1,000 spots– from #4184 to #3126 this year. For those unfamiliar with Inc. 5000 and their annual publication of the Fastest Growing Private Companies in America, each honoree goes through an application process to be considered. To fill out an application, your corporation must be based in the U.S., privately held, for-profit, and independent (no subsidiaries or divisions of other companies). The rankings are determined by overall company revenue growth over the previous 3 years.

We may be on the map now, but we didn’t start there. In 2000, our founder, Steve Wise, started NCW with a vision of redefining what a “staffing agency” was. We began as a small firm focused on staffing construction labor but have since grown to serve seven additional industries across the nation with staffing and direct hire services.

Our Impact

Our brand awareness has steadily increased in recent years, allowing us to place candidates in all 50 states. By staying true to our core values and process, our team was able to fill upward of 6,000 open jobs in 2021. It’s no wonder that our revenue has increased by 382% since 2015. So what’s our secret sauce? It has been a cocktail of hard work, timing, opportunity, and commitment to our core values and people. Here are a few things we are sure of:

  1. Treating people how you want to be treated goes a LONG way, and it really isn’t hard.
  2. The ability to align client needs with candidate skills and experience sets us apart from other firms in our space, shockingly enough. We just thought it was common sense. 
  3. While the principles of what we do are basic and relatively easy, working in a people business is HARD and presents a lot of unpredictable variables. It takes grit to get through the hard days. So we hire people who have an abundance of it.
  4. There is no shortcut to good talent – period.
  5. Honesty is the only way to win, even when you don’t. People would rather be disappointed with the truth than disappointed because you lied.

Our mission to put people first is the driving force behind the success of NCW, and that is why we can proudly add the brightest talent to the best companies!

Patience is a Virtue

Most companies that debut on the Inc. 5000 are in their infancy. NCW is unique because our growth has been a solid and steady climb. In the most recent 3 years, we have pushed for (and hit) aggressive growth goals that now put us in the mix with many successful start-ups. NCW Executive Vice President, Adam Helton said, “Being named to the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies is a direct testament to our team’s dedication and work ethic. We focus very hard on adding value to our clients day in and day out. To achieve a high level of growth while maintaining our culture and being viewed as a trusted partner within the industries we serve is special. We’ve achieved it only because we have special people working here.” We can attribute our rapid growth to the tenured employees and the foundation they have laid at NCW. People are attracted to the culture that’s been built here. 

We are coming into our own after 22 years of wins, struggles, lessons, and opportunities. We humbly welcome challenges and will continue to celebrate when we overcome them. The pandemic was our most recent challenge (but certainly not our last). We could see some of our biggest growth during a time that was undoubtedly harsh on other organizations. We acknowledge the blessing of being where we are, especially after that. But we also carry pride in working for a company built to overcome. We’re ready for whatever comes next.