Safety is our priority at NCW.

We are committed to staying fiercely protective of the NCW team and are willing to put in the work to keep safety at the forefront of our business efforts. See what our team is doing to ensure all of our team members make it home safely every day.

Your safety is our top priority.

When our founder, Steve, first created NCW 22+ years ago, his goal was to establish a company that truly put people first. In a space with fast-paced work and constant commotion, principles of safety are sometimes overlooked or forgotten about. At NCW, we want to change that. Guided by our core values, our team has set out to keep safety top of mind for our own team and those that surround us. In order to do this, the NCW created a dedicated Field Support team to help start the conversations regarding safety and to act as a liaison between worksite leaders and our field employees.

The Field Support team provides Toolbox Talks, hand-delivers or ships the necessary PPE required for job sites, and consults field employees on any updated safety procedures. In addition to the hard work of this dedicated team, our recruiters and business development representatives stay in the know about common safety standards to communicate the information to those involved.

Launching September 7th, 2022, the P.A.U.S.E. safety initiative came to fruition. The idea behind the initiative was to help keep safety top of mind and establish ways that our team could improve our safety efforts. We knew that in order to make a difference, we had to start by making a change in our corner of the world. Starting out, the NCW Team has compiled the “Pillars of P.A.U.S.E.” to outline the approach to raise safety awareness.

Who do you P.A.U.S.E. for?


Before starting a project, lay out what is needed to complete the job safely. PPE, materials, tools, and other workers needed for the job should be planned before starting.


Analyze your surroundings before starting any worksite tasks. Complete a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to fully understand what hazards are at hand and how to protect yourself from harm.


Educate yourself on the potential risks of certain equipment and duties needed to perform the task. Knowing the risks will help you avoid unsafe scenarios.


Clear your workspace of hazards with best practices in mind. If you cannot remove them, gather the materials or PPE needed to avoid risk.


Keep your safety skills up to date by renewing old safety certifications or by enrolling in a new certification or licensure program.

pause posters at safety event
Elements of P.A.U.S.E. posters at the launch event.
Safety Presenter at PAUSE event
Safety presenter with NCW employee reviewing best safety practices.
Pause Logo

A reminder to take a second and remember why safety needs to stay top of mind

I pause for cards on a table
Employees dedicate who they practice safety for on a card reminding them to P.A.U.S.E.

Pillars of P.A.U.S.E.



Reminders to consistently P.A.U.S.E. on the job with visual reminders on gear. Social/Digital Media Awareness. Spread information about the meaning behind P.A.U.S.E. to all employees



Keep employees in the know about best safety practices with a quarterly P.A.U.S.E. email newsletter and Monthly Safety Tips. Encourage employees to enroll in our apprenticeship program to enhance safe practices of skills. Encourage employees to find the reason why they P.A.U.S.E.



Recruiter PPE checklist. Growth of Toolbox Talks to every job site. Add more safety/certification classes to our schedule.

Build Your Team Today

Are you in need of recruiting services? Our team has 20+ years of recruiting experience working to match your company with top notch candidates. Reach out to our contact email for more information –