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A Will to Win: Our Core Values in Action

 Having “a will to win” is one of our five core values at NCW. All five of our core values play a role in our daily life here. Not only are these values displayed on the walls, but they are ingrained into our discussions daily and are shown through the team’s actions. We believe in practicing what you preach. “We are not just here to punch the clock and go through the motions. NCW wants to make an impact,” says Ben Allen, Commercial Solutions.  Ben stated it perfectly. We are a strong team and we are here to make an impact on one another, our clients, candidates, and our community. A will to win means persevering in the face of adversity, maintaining high expectations for the team as a whole, and continuing to learn and improve our craft.

Persevering in the face of adversity

Challenges come at each and every one of us from all directions, but what really defines a person or organization is their willingness to keep going even when facing difficulties. Our challenges and failures do not define us, but we love to learn from them. 

“Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” -William Arthur Ward

Giving up isn’t in our vocabulary at NCW. The talent space is crowded, and day in and day out our clients are presented with options. “We don’t always get a deal on the first try, but that doesn’t mean we give up,” says Madi Gall, Marketing Specialist. Our team recognizes that differentiation in the client’s eyes is not a given. It is our responsibility to get better, and to deliver value.

Maintaining high expectations for the entire team

“Nobody rises to low expectations.” -Calvin Loyd

As a company, we set the bar high at NCW because we want people to rise and challenge themselves every day to reach the unreachable. We maintain high standards for everyone on the team because we know our collective work ethic and determination is unstoppable. 

“We don’t just throw up goals and wait to see if we hit them or not. We evaluate the team as a whole to see how things are going. We are transparent with our expectations for each team member and strive to achieve every lofty goal we have,” says Ben. 

Continuing to learn and improve our craft

“Those who keep learning, will keep rising in life.” -Charlie Munger

Our landscape is dynamic. In order to win, you must have the strategy and the tools necessary to accomplish the goal, and an ingrained level of pliability that allows our teams to pivot quickly as the needs of our clients and candidates change. Learning and continuing our education is extremely important for us to be successful in our industry. By challenging ourselves to continue our learning and pushing each other, we improve what we do and how we do it. 

“In an industry that evolves with the labor market, we have to keep ourselves current with new technology, opportunities, and tools that help us become a better provider to both our clients and employees,” says Caroline Stark, Marketing Specialist.